On an almost daily basis, The Good Sport, your neighborhood sporting goods retailer is accepting virtual sleigh loads of Town Pride Gear. Merchandise ranges from town-centric headbands ($15) to lacrosse gear bags–priced to move ($80).
Marshfield Headband: $15
Hingham Lax Gear Bag: $80
Somewhere in between are knit pom-pom hats ($30) and scarves ($40) guaranteed to stop even the fiercest icy wind.
Scituate Pom-Pom Knit Hat: $30
Cohasset Scarf: $40
One of our favorite items is the quarter-zip, long sleeve shirt ($70). We understand that a young mom from Scituate has been wearing hers for nearly 78 days straight. Please, his is only a rumor and please don't repeat it – for it may just be "Elf Talk."
Hingham Quarter-Zip: $70
As you are out and about avoiding the hot lights of the local big box store behemoths, stop by the Good Sport for some great deals and friendly banter! You'll be glad you did!