With Memorial Day, (America's summer season wakeup call) right around the corner, Cohasset's Good Sport would like to remind you that there is no excuse for running out of propane during next weekend's epicurean grilling adventures.
Since 2013, we have made it our responsibility to alert all Americans to the impending embarrassment associated with a propane grill that fizzles out. Here are a few of our public service announcements all designed with you and your backyard cooking sanctuary in mind!
2013: Multi-layered approach designed to instill fear and unrest. Some blame this campaign for pushing holiday picnickers away from heat receptive foods and back to cold sandwiches and salads.
2013: Simple iconography and graphics embrace a more "Gestalt-friendly" approach.
2014: Acronym-centric approach is emphasizing clean and friendly service.
2015: An ADHD-friendly approach for multi-tasking backyard "Masters of the Grill."
2015: A more comprehensive approach capitalizing on the international hand gesture that demonstrates an appreciation for those well-prepared for the summer cooking season by filling multiple tanks.
2015: Attempting to encourage a younger audience of future "Grill-Masters," the "Weiner Chef" was introduced. Despite the positive response from multiple focus groups, many felt that the tubular processed meat product was too closely linked (get it!) to charcoal-centric grilling.
2017: To capitalize on the pro-American BBQ fervor rapidly overtaking backyard cooking facilities, The Good Sport introduced a patriotic-themed message designed to drive backyard cooks away from their charcoal grills (choke, choke, cough, cough) and back to clean-burning propane!
Should your tank be "Jackson Browne-ing" it (running on empty), please stop by our Chief Justice Cushing Highway home and we will "fill her up!"
Have a Great Summer Season! See you soon!